9 African Traditions and Legacies Africans Should Be Proud Of


The continent of Africa is a vast and ancient land, with a rich history that extends back thousands of years. The great pyramids of Egypt were built by Africans several millennia ago, but that’s only the beginning. Over time, Africans have created many different cultures and traditions that distinguish them from other peoples around the world. Here are nine African legacies and traditions that you should be proud of:

9 African Traditions and Legacies Africans Should Be Proud Of

The Great Zimbabwe Ruins

The Great Zimbabwe Ruins are a UNESCO World Heritage Site and are located in southern Africa. The ruins were built by the Bantu-speaking people, who lived there between the 11th and 15th centuries.

The site was established as a national monument in 1936, but it wasn’t until 1982 that it was officially recognized as an UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The Swahili People

The Swahili people are a Bantu community living along the coast of East Africa and in the African Great Lakes region. They speak Swahili, which is a lingua franca in the Indian Ocean. The term “Swahili” was derived from Arabic through Persian and means “of or pertaining to the coast.”

The language is spoken by over 100 million people in Africa alone, making it one of the most widely spoken languages on earth!

In addition to being used by many as an everyday language for communication with others within their own communities (or even across different communities), Swahili also serves as an important trade language between different ethnic groups throughout eastern Africa as well as being used extensively across southern Africa as well as parts of southern Asia such as India and Sri Lanka

The Story of Nelson Mandela

The story of Nelson Mandela is an example of how Africans can overcome adversity and oppression.

Nelson Mandela was a South African anti-apartheid revolutionary and politician who served as President of South Africa from 1994 until 1999. He was also one of the founding members of Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK), which he led at its inception in 1961, during which time he was arrested, tried and convicted in 1964 by the Supreme Court for sabotage; he remained imprisoned until 1990 when he was released by F.W De Klerk on February 11th 1990 after 27 years imprisonment on Robben Island off Cape Town after spending most of his life fighting against white minority rule under apartheid laws introduced by Jan Smuts in 1948 (Mavhunga & Mvanyanda, 2009). His wife Winnie Madikizela-Mandela also spent many years behind bars due to her involvement with MK activities such as bombing public buildings including police stations during 1976; she became known as Mama Winnie within communities supporting liberation struggles against colonial rule throughout Southern Africa at this time period before eventually being released herself after serving time at Lusaka Prison Farm near Zambia’s capital city Lusaka where she remains active today helping others fight injustice through social activism campaigns aimed at improving conditions within disadvantaged communities across Africa.”

The Migrations of the Bantu-Speakers

The Bantu-speaking people are the largest ethnic group in Africa, estimated to number over 300 million. They originated in West Africa and migrated to Central Africa, East Africa and Southern Africa. Their migration is believed to have begun as early as 5,000 years ago, when they moved into what is now Nigeria and Cameroon.

In South Africa they settled along the Zambezi River region where they established new cultures based on agriculture. In Zimbabwe they established their own kingdoms such as Great Zimbabwe which was built by King Mutota around 1200 AD using stone blocks that weighed up to 40 tons each!

The Music of Africa

Music is a big part of African culture, and it’s been that way for centuries. The rhythms of Africa have influenced American music, too.

African music has a unique rhythm that you can’t find anywhere else in the world (except maybe South America). Music is often used to tell stories or express feelings in an abstract way–and because they don’t have words, it can be hard for outsiders to understand what they mean! But if you listen closely enough, there are many different types of African music:

  • Traditional Songs – These are songs passed down from generation to generation through oral tradition;
  • Contemporary Music – This type includes pop artists like Beyonce and Jay-Z who were born in America but grew up listening to their parents’ native languages;
  • Classical Orchestra Performances – These orchestras play instruments including horns made out paper cups!

The Birth of Liberia

As you may know, Liberia was founded by the American Colonization Society (ACS). The society was founded in 1817 by a group of abolitionists who wanted to create a haven for freed American slaves.

In 1821, they purchased 20 million acres of land in West Africa and then sent settlers there to start their new colony. The first settlers arrived on July 26th 1822

The Kingdom of Dahomey and its Military Strength

The Kingdom of Dahomey was a powerful kingdom that flourished from 1625 to 1900. It was known for its military strength, art and culture, as well as its strong economy.

Dahomey was founded by the Fon people who migrated from the north and settled in what is now southern Benin (formerly French Dahomey). The Fon established themselves as kings over various tribes in this area with Tohossou being considered as one of the most important kings during this time period. After him came King Gezo who established himself as king after defeating various groups within his territory such as Oyo and Aja kingdoms who were located further south than his own kingdom

The Oyo Empire, a Real Life ‘Game of Thrones’ Empire

The Oyo Empire (also known as the Oyo Kingdom) was a powerful West African state that existed from the 15th to 19th centuries. It was centered in what is now southeastern Nigeria, with its capital at Ibadan. The empire grew out of what were once city-states in the savanna region of Yorubaland, with its first king being crowned in 1470 CE.

Oyo became one of numerous Yoruba city-states that developed along trade routes through western Africa during this period; others included Benin City and Ife (which also produced some notable art). Like these other kingdoms, Oyo had a complex political system based on age grades and guilds–but unlike them all except Benin City it developed firearms early on and used them successfully against rival states until they became dominant over most surrounding areas by about 1700 CE.[1]

Oyo’s greatest achievement may have been its ability to maintain internal order despite external threats like Dahomey’s territorial expansion or Fulani invasions from Mali.[2] This stability allowed for continued economic growth even though military spending took up much revenue each year: “[T]he kingdom maintained its status quo … despite severe challenges such as wars against neighboring states.”[3]

Africans have a rich history!

Africans have a rich history! From the Pyramids to the Great Zimbabwe and beyond, Africa has contributed to the world in many ways. Not only that but it’s culture is amazing too!

Here are 9 African traditions and legacies Africans should be proud of:

  • The Great Zimbabwe Ruins
  • The Ndebele Tribe (Zimbabwe)
  • Shona Tribe (Zimbabwe)


These are just some of the most interesting African traditions, but there are many more! If you’re interested in learning more about these topics, check out our blog post about them here: https://blog.africanshare.com/9-african-traditions-and-legacies-africans-should-be-proud-of/.