A Guide to the Comedy, Music and Food Festivals of Asia


Asia is an amazing continent with so many different cultures and traditions. The food, the music and even the comedy are all unique to this part of the world. Here is a guide on some of Asia’s top festivals that you can enjoy while traveling around:

A Guide to the Comedy, Music and Food Festivals of Asia

The Hong Kong Comedy Festival

The Hong Kong Comedy Festival is a comedy festival that takes place in Hong Kong every year, during March and April. It’s one of the biggest comedy festivals in Asia and has been around since 2009.

The festival was created by local comedian Paul Ogata and his wife Tammy Cheung, who both wanted to bring laughter back into their lives after suffering through cancer together. The first event was held at the Hong Kong Fringe Club with only ten performers, but since then it’s grown into an annual event with over 60 performances over two weeks at multiple venues around town.

Themes vary from year-to-year but often include stand-up comedy acts by local performers as well as international acts like Trevor Noah (South Africa), Hasan Minhaj (USA), Brent Morin (USA) and many more! You can expect lots of laughs throughout your stay – whether it’s watching shows or just hanging out with other fans after each performance!

Hong Kong International Jazz Festival

The Hong Kong International Jazz Festival is one of Asia’s biggest music festivals, and it takes place every year in May. It’s held at various locations throughout Hong Kong, including Repulse Bay Beach Park and Victoria Park in Causeway Bay.

The festival began in 1987 with just three concerts; today it features more than 200 performers from all over the world playing jazz music on six stages during its three days of festivities. Ticket prices range from about $195 USD to $965 USD depending on where you want to sit (general admission vs VIP).

Besides enjoying some great live performances from some of your favorite artists, there are also plenty of other things going on during this event: food vendors selling everything from barbecue chicken skewers and fried chicken sandwiches to bubble tea drinks; bars serving beer or wine coolers; art exhibits featuring paintings by local artists; children’s activities like face painting booths so kids can dress up as their favorite superheroes while they wait for their parents’ turn onstage; even yoga classes if you need something low impact after running around all day! The festival also has its own app which allows attendees access without having too much cash on hand at any given time — perfect when trying not only save money but stay safe too!

Hong Kong Asian Film Festival

The Hong Kong Asian Film Festival is an annual film festival held in Hong Kong, China. It was founded in 1993 and has become one of the most important film festivals in Asia.[1] The festival is held during March annually and lasts for two weeks.[2][3]

The HKAF has been hosted by different venues over its history: it started at the Golden Bauhinia Square (1993-1997), moved to Central Plaza (1998), then moved back to GBS (1999-2001) before returning again to CP Time Square (2002-2008). Since 2009, it has been held at Lido Cinema Group’s multiplexes throughout Hong Kong.[4]

Hong Kong Book Fair

Hong Kong is the book capital of Asia, and the Hong Kong Book Fair is the largest book fair in the region. Held annually in March at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC), this event draws visitors from all over China, Taiwan and Southeast Asia.

The HKCBF has been held every year since 1978 with few exceptions for holidays or other reasons. It’s a must-see for anyone who loves reading or art — over 500 publishers participate each year!

Dragon Boat Carnival

Dragon boat carnivals are a popular way to celebrate the Chinese New Year. They’re held across Asia, but the most famous ones are in Hong Kong and Singapore.

In Hong Kong, dragon boats are raced on January 18th each year at Victoria Harbour (the harbour is also known as “Central Harbourfront”). The races have been held since 1841 and attract thousands of spectators every year.

The festival gets its name from traditional Chinese folklore: A fisherman named Qu Yuan was said to have drowned himself in protest against corruption during the Warring States period (475-221 BC). His friends threw his body into a river so that they could retrieve it later so they could bury him properly–but when they went back for his body, they found only two bamboo stalks bobbing up and down on top of the water instead! These were then transformed into dragons who carried Qu Yuan’s body back home safely so he could be buried properly again by his family members…and ever since then people have celebrated this event with dragon boat races!

World Travel Market Asia Pacific (WTM)

World Travel Market Asia Pacific (WTM) is an annual event held in Hong Kong and has been running for 21 years. It is the largest travel and tourism event in the world, attracting over 40,000 visitors from over 200 countries each year.

It’s a great opportunity to network with like-minded professionals and make connections that may lead to future business opportunities or collaborations.

Hong Kong Coffee Festival 2018

The Hong Kong Coffee Festival is a three-day event held in the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. It’s organized by the Hong Kong Tourism Board, and it’s an opportunity to discover new coffee experiences.

The festival features workshops on everything from brewing techniques to latte art designs. You can also attend lectures on topics such as how to make cold brew coffee at home or which beans are best suited for espresso machines (it might surprise you!). There will even be competitions where you can enter your own brews into various categories like Best Espresso Shot or Best Cup Of Filter Coffee!

There are so many different cultures in Asia and it’s great to experience them all.

There are so many different cultures in Asia, and it’s great to experience them all. You can do this by visiting festivals and experiencing the food, music, and comedy of each country.

You could also visit each country separately!


There are so many different cultures in Asia and it’s great to experience them all. There are many festivals that you can go to, with different types of music, comedy and food!