Exquisite European Art That Will Make You Flinch


There’s nothing quite like the art that is found in Europe. The paintings and sculpture are unparalleled in their beauty and detail, but it’s not all about the works themselves. The museums where they are housed are also incredible feats of architecture. Here are five of my favorite European art museums:

Exquisite European Art That Will Make You Flinch

Canova’s “Psyche Revived by Cupid’s Kiss” (1790)

Canova’s “Psyche Revived by Cupid’s Kiss” (1790) is a marble sculpture that depicts the moment when Cupid awakens Psyche from death. The piece was completed in 1790 and has been on display at the Musée du Louvre since 1819, where it remains one of the most well-known sculptures in the world. It measures 6 feet tall and weighs over 2 tons, so you’ll have to make sure you don’t bump into it while exploring Paris!

The most striking aspect of this sculpture is its incredible realism: Canova used real people as models for his figures instead of using drawings or paintings as reference points–and it shows! You can see every wrinkle on Psyche’s face as she wakes up; even if you’ve never seen someone revived after falling asleep forever before, this work will make you feel like it happened right next door (or maybe even inside your own home).

Frans Hals’ “Girl with a Pearl Earring” (1665)

The painting is of a young woman who is wearing a pearl earring. The girl’s eyes are downcast and she looks away from us, but her expression shows that she is not unhappy about the situation. This makes sense for two reasons: first, because the painting was made in 1665; second, because it’s in the Mauritshuis Museum in The Hague (Netherlands).

Rembrandt’s “The Polish Rider” (1653)

Rembrandt’s “The Polish Rider” (1653)

If you’re an art buff, chances are you’ve heard of Rembrandt van Rijn. He’s one of history’s most famous painters and his works are displayed in museums all over the world–including Amsterdam’s Rijksmuseum. The museum houses this particular painting: “The Polish Rider.” If you haven’t seen it yet, prepare yourself for something truly remarkable!

This portrait depicts a young man on horseback wearing traditional Polish clothing riding across an open field with trees in the background and birds flying overhead. While there is nothing unusual about its subject matter or setting (other than perhaps being set outdoors), what makes this painting so unique is its composition; specifically how it conveys motion through its use of light sources and color contrast between dark shadows against bright areas such as sunlight illuminating blue skies behind him while casting shadows underneath his legs onto grassy terrain below them both creating depth within each element without making either look flatly painted over top another–something which would have been easy enough considering he used only oil paints instead using acrylics which dry quickly enough not needing much time between coats applied thinly enough but thickly enough so no brushstrokes show up either…

Leonardo da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa” (1503)

The most famous painting in the world is a portrait of a woman. The mystery of this painting has inspired countless theories, from suggestions that it was painted by Leonardo da Vinci to theories about its identity and location (the Louvre in Paris).

The Mona Lisa was created between 1503 and 1506, during which time Leonardo worked in Milan as an artist for Duke Ludovico Sforza (also known as “Il Moro”). It’s believed that he carried his masterpiece with him when he moved back to Florence later on in life; however, there’s no evidence to support this claim–so far at least!

In 1911 someone stole this priceless work from the Louvre Museum but two years later they recovered it after finding out where they could find it: hanging on someone’s wall! Apparently they were able to buy it back from its new owner for $500 dollars…in today’s money that would be worth about $7000 dollars but still not enough if you ask me!

There is some incredible art in Europe that you need to see.

There is some incredible art in Europe that you need to see.

The most famous painting in the world is Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa. It’s a portrait of Lisa Gherardini, the wife of Francesco del Giocondo, who commissioned it from Leonardo during his time as court artist at Lodovica Sforza’s court in Milan. The painting was completed around 1503 and has been held at the Louvre since 1797 where it has been visited by millions every year since then.

One reason why this painting became so popular is because of its high level of detail–there are many small elements that give clues about what type of person Lisa was and how she moved through her daily life (like her wedding ring). Another reason why people love this piece so much may be due to how mysterious it can be–while everyone knows who Mona Lisa was supposed to represent (herself), no one knows exactly what emotion they should feel when looking upon her face; perhaps this adds another layer onto our understanding of humanity itself!


There is some incredible art in Europe that you need to see. The Mona Lisa, The Polish Rider, and Girl with a Pearl Earring are just a few examples of how amazing European artists can be. If you ever get the chance to visit one of these museums, take it! You won’t regret it!