How I Described The Iconic Landmarks of Africa In Layman’s Terms


The iconic landmarks of Africa are some of the most beautiful places in the world. They’re also some of the most mysterious. But don’t worry! I’m here to help you understand them. Whether you want to visit these sites or simply know more about them, this article will be a great way to get started!

How I Described The Iconic Landmarks of Africa In Layman’s Terms

The Rift Valley

The Rift Valley is a geological feature that runs through the continent of Africa. It’s the result of the African tectonic plate pulling apart, and it’s the longest valley in the world.

The Rift Valley is home to some of Africa’s most iconic landmarks, including Mount Kilimanjaro (the highest peak on this side of the equator), Lake Victoria (the largest tropical lake), and Kenya’s Great Migration National Park.

The Nile River

The Nile is the longest river in the world, and it originates from Lake Victoria in East Africa. From there, it flows northward through Uganda, Tanzania, and Burundi before emptying into Egypt’s Mediterranean Sea near Alexandria.

The Nile has played an important role in many civilizations throughout Africa’s history–namely Egypt’s ancient kingdoms–and its waters have been used for irrigation since ancient times as well as providing transportation via boats or barges (which you’ll see if you visit Egypt).

Victoria Falls

Victoria Falls is the largest waterfall in the world, and it’s named after Queen Victoria. The falls are located in Zambia and Zimbabwe, making them a popular tourist destination for people from around the world. In addition to being a UNESCO World Heritage Site, they were also featured in The Lion King as Mufasa’s Pride Rock–the same place where Simba grew up!

The Zambezi River flows through these cascading falls before continuing on its journey towards Mozambique. There are many different types of animals living near or around these majestic waterfalls including elephants, crocodiles and hippopotamuses (which means “river horse”).

Mount Kilimanjaro

Mount Kilimanjaro is a dormant volcano located in Tanzania. It’s the highest mountain in Africa, and one of only three mountains on earth that are both taller than 19,000 feet and have snow at their summits year-round (the other two being Mount Everest and Aconcagua).

Kilimanjaro means “white mountain” in Swahili–a language spoken by many people who live near the mountain. The local name for this majestic landmark comes from its snowy cap, which contrasts starkly against its brownish surroundings during most months of the year except December through February.*

The three peaks of Kilimanjaro have been named: Shira (6357 meters), Mawenzi (5896 meters),and Kibo (5895 meters). In total they rise over 19000 feet above sea level!

Table Mountain

Located in South Africa, Table Mountain is a flat-topped mountain forming a prominent landmark overlooking the city of Cape Town and the Atlantic Ocean. It’s known for its natural beauty and popularity among tourists who come to hike up its slopes or take cableway rides up to its top.

Table Mountain has been designated as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO because of its natural features such as fynbos vegetation and endemic flora species found nowhere else on earth (like proteas). There are also archaeological sites on the mountain that date back thousands of years ago!

The Matterhorn Mountain

The Matterhorn is a mountain in the Swiss Alps, and it’s one of the most iconic mountains in all of Europe. It’s also known for being a popular hiking destination and climbing site–you can see it from as far away as France!

The Matterhorn was named after its resemblance to a rock formation that looks like a horned animal head (it has been called “Il Cervino” or “Monte Cervino” since at least 1595). The first ascent took place on July 14th 1865 by Edward Whymper with four other climbers; however, tragedy struck when three members fell to their deaths during their descent due to poor planning on part of their guide Jean-Antoine Carrel who decided not to rope up properly because he thought they would be fine without it due to how easy their route was supposed to be

This can be a good way to describe these landmarks.

You can use this method to describe the landmarks of Africa. You just need to make sure that you use simple words and a lot of adjectives, verbs, and nouns.


The Matterhorn Mountain is a great example of how to describe these landmarks in layman’s terms. It’s also good to remember that some people may not know what they are or have heard of them before. So if you are trying to explain something like this to someone who doesn’t know much about Africa then this would be an ideal way for them to learn more about these places!