Lifestyle Of Australians: 12 Fun Holiday Traditions They Don’t Want You to Know


Australia is a diverse country with many different regions and cultures. As such, there are many unique traditions that come with each one. We’ve compiled a list of our favorite Australian holiday traditions—some of which you probably didn’t know about!

Lifestyle Of Australians: 12 Fun Holiday Traditions They Don’t Want You to Know

The most popular Australian holiday tradition is “going away for Christmas”

The most popular Australian holiday tradition is “going away for Christmas.” While many Australians choose to spend their annual holidays on the coast or at the beach, this is a good way to escape the heat of the Australian summer. The majority of Australians visit family and friends or go on a holiday overseas, often with their extended family members.

Many Australians choose to spend their annual holidays on the coast or at the beach

Australians love the beach, and it’s not just because they are surrounded by it. Many Australians choose to spend their annual holidays on the coast or at the beach.

Christmas is a time when families come together to celebrate, but in Australia there are also some other traditions you might not be aware of:

  • Carol singing – Carols are sung by groups such as choirs or church congregations in December leading up to Christmas Day. It’s common for people here to go caroling door-to-door as part of this tradition!
  • Boxing Day – On Boxing Day (26th December), Aussies head back out into public places like parks and beaches where they play games such as cricket or football with friends and family members throughout most of January until school resumes again later in February

Fireworks displays are a popular way to celebrate New Year’s Eve in Australia

Fireworks displays are a popular way to celebrate New Year’s Eve in Australia. Fireworks are often accompanied by a display of colourful lights, which can be seen from miles away. The tradition of setting off fireworks on New Year’s Eve originated with the British colonists who emigrated to Australia in the late 18th century. They brought their traditions with them, including setting off fireworks at midnight on December 31st (the same day as our American Independence Day).

It’s common for Australians to set off fireworks at beaches or parks where there are no buildings nearby that could catch fire if something goes wrong with one of the rockets or shells being launched into the sky above them!

Most Australians have a barbecue on Australia Day – January 26th, which is also celebrated as the anniversary of European settlement in Australia.

The most popular way to celebrate Australia Day is with a barbecue. This celebration dates back to 1788, when Captain Arthur Phillip of the First Fleet landed in Sydney Cove and claimed it for Great Britain. He named it “Australia” after the Latin word for South. The date was chosen in commemoration of the arrival of the First Fleet at Sydney Cove, New South Wales on 26 January 1788 – which also happens to be Australia Day!

A traditional Christmas cracker joke goes: “What’s brown and sticky? A stick.”

A traditional Christmas cracker joke goes: “What’s brown and sticky? A stick.”

This is a silly joke that is meant to be funny but not offensive, and the punchline is “a stick”. The joke is a pun on the expression “sticky situation”, which means something that is difficult or uncomfortable to deal with. It’s meant to be lighthearted and fun!

Another common Christmas cracker joke goes: “Two turkeys are walking down the road. One looks over at the other and asks ‘do you know what day it is?’ The second turkey replies ‘no, but on this side of the road there is more food.'”

Another common Christmas cracker joke goes: “Two turkeys are walking down the road. One looks over at the other and asks ‘do you know what day it is?’ The second turkey replies ‘no, but on this side of the road there is more food.'”

This joke is a funny way of making light of a serious situation; in Australia, it’s common for people to have very little food during Christmas because they’re struggling financially or they don’t have enough money saved up for Christmas presents. The turkey joke can be repeated over and over again without getting old, which makes it an ideal choice for Australians who want something funny to say during their holiday celebrations.

Native Australians have traditionally decorated their homes with greenery and flowers during Christmas time. This tradition has been adopted by many Europeans who have moved here over the years.

Native Australians have traditionally decorated their homes with greenery and flowers during Christmas time. This tradition has been adopted by many Europeans who have moved here over the years, and it’s now common to see Christmas decorations in homes throughout the country.

Christmas decorations are usually made of greenery and flowers, which can be arranged into shapes or simply hung on walls. They’re typically put up around December 1st (the beginning of summer) and taken down sometime between January 15th (Australia Day) and February 5th (New Year’s Eve).


In Australia, we have a lot of fun traditions that are unique to our country. For example, many people like to go away for Christmas or spend it at the beach instead of spending time with their families. Fireworks displays are also a popular way to celebrate New Year’s Eve! If you want to learn more about these traditions – or even try them out yourself – then check out our article on “Staying in Australia during Christmas”.