The 10 Most Iconic Landmarks in Europe


There are many places in Europe to visit, but some of them stand out more than others. Some of these landmarks have been around for thousands of years, but others are newer. They’re all unique, and each one has its own story.

The 10 Most Iconic Landmarks in Europe


The Colosseum is a landmark in Rome, Italy. It was built by the Roman emperor Vespasian in 72 AD to house gladiatorial contests and public spectacles such as mock sea battles. The building stands 40 metres (130 ft) high and measures 188 metres (619 ft) long and 156 metres (512 ft) wide. Designated as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1980, it is considered one of the greatest works of Roman architecture and engineering.[2][3][4]

The Colosseum was used for centuries as a quarry for building materials[5] but has been restored many times; nevertheless it retains its original structure with all its major elements standing today.[6]

The Colosseum’s design has influenced modern stadiums worldwide.[7]

Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower, which was built for the 1889 World’s Fair, is a steel structure that stands 324 meters tall. It’s the most visited paid monument in the world and has become an iconic symbol of France.

Sagrada Familia

Sagrada Familia

Sagrada Familia is a church in Barcelona, Spain. It was designed by Antoni Gaudí and is still under construction today. The last piece of this iconic landmark isn’t expected to be completed until 2026!

Parliament Square

Parliament Square is located in London and is home to the Houses of Parliament, which is one of the most famous buildings in the world. The site was also home to many protests and demonstrations, including one organized by suffragettes in 1909. The square has become iconic due to its famous clock tower that stands over Big Ben–a bell that chimes every hour on the hour as well as every quarter hour during daylight saving time (from 1:00 am until 6:00 pm).

Parliament Square is a popular tourist attraction that attracts people from all over Europe because it’s so easy to get around and explore!

Brandenburg Gate

Brandenburg Gate is a monumental city gate in Berlin, Germany. It was commissioned by King Frederick William II of Prussia as a sign of peace and built between 1788 and 1791. In the 19th century, it was considered to be one of Europe’s most beautiful city gates.

The Brandenburg Gate was designed by Carl Gotthard Langhans who used the neoclassical style for its design and architecture. The monument is made up of 28 sandstone blocks that are connected with each other using iron clamps; these blocks were quarried near Potsdam and then transported via waterway to Berlin where they were placed on top of each other on site.

The Brandenburg Gate has seen many significant events throughout history such as Napoleon Bonaparte’s entrance into Berlin during his 1806 campaign; this event marked Prussia’s defeat at Jena-Auerstedt which led him into becoming emperor over France later on down the road (Napoleon I). Another momentous occasion took place 20 years later when another historic figure named Frederick William IV opened up trade routes between Russia’s Tsar Alexander II-III through this very same location during their time together at K?nigsberg Castle located nearby Poland today but back then belonged solely within Prussia territory itself.”

Notre Dame Cathedral

This cathedral is one of the most visited monuments in France, and it’s easy to see why. It was built in 1163 and has been a symbol of Paris ever since.

It’s one of the largest cathedrals in Europe, with its facade considered to be one of the finest examples of French Gothic architecture.

Leaning Tower of Pisa

The Leaning Tower of Pisa is the bell tower of the cathedral in Pisa, Italy. It was built between 1173 and 1370 and has been tilting ever since. The tower leans approximately 4 degrees off vertical, but it’s getting worse–it’s losing about 1/2 inch every year. You can see why it’s called the Leaning Tower: it looks like it might topple over any second!

The steeple weighs more than 14,000 tons (about 15 times as much as an average car), which puts tremendous stress on its foundations; this is why they have shifted so dramatically over time. In fact, if you look closely at photos from earlier centuries you’ll notice that the south side used to be higher than today’s north face by about three feet (1 meter). But don’t worry–there are no plans for demolition anytime soon! In fact, tourists come from all over Europe just so they can climb up inside this architectural wonder (and enjoy breathtaking views).

Acropolis Hill in Athens

As you approach the Acropolis, you’ll be greeted by a massive hill that looms over Athens. It’s one of the most iconic landmarks in Europe and has been an important part of Greek culture since ancient times.

The Acropolis is a complex of structures built on top of this hill; it includes temples and other buildings that served as centers for worship and government during ancient times. The Parthenon was one such temple, dedicated to Athena; it features beautiful sculptures depicting Greek gods like Zeus (father) or Poseidon (god of water). Other famous structures include Propylaea–a gateway leading up to the Acropolis–and Erechtheion Temple with its famous Caryatid columns depicted by Michelangelo in his masterpiece “David.”

Tower Bridge in London

The Tower Bridge is a drawbridge that crosses the River Thames in London, England. It was built between 1886 and 1894 by Sir Horace Jones and John Wolfe-Barry with designs by Sir Joseph Bazalgette. The bridge has become an iconic symbol of London due to its Gothic style and its bright red coloration (which was added during renovations in 1960).

The first use of the bridge was on June 30th 1896 when it opened for traffic along with its neighboring Tower Bridge House building which served as both offices for managing the bridges’ operations as well as homes for their keepers; however these have since been converted into luxury flats instead.

Europe is a great place to visit and these landmarks are some of the best.

Europe is a great place to visit, and these landmarks are some of the best. There are many other landmarks in Europe that are worth visiting too. You should take a trip to Europe soon!


Europe is a great place to visit and these landmarks are some of the best. The Colosseum, Eiffel Tower, Sagrada Familia and many more are all amazing landmarks that should be on any travelers’ bucket list.