Various Things I Wish I Knew Before Moving To Europe


Moving to Europe might seem like a dream, but it’s also a huge adjustment. I moved to Germany from the US and am currently living in Rome, Italy. It’s been two years since then and I have learned some things that I wish someone would have told me before I moved here:

Various Things I Wish I Knew Before Moving To Europe

There are a lot of different types of food

Food is a big deal in Europe. It’s not just something to eat, but also a way of life. You’ll find that Europeans take their meals very seriously, so you should too!

There are many different types of restaurants and cafes in Europe that serve all sorts of food from around the world: Italian cuisine (pizza), French cuisine (pastries), Spanish tapas bars, German sausages…you name it! If you’re hungry for something specific, there’s probably somewhere nearby where you can get it–or at least get close enough that your stomach won’t complain too much about having eaten something other than what it wanted earlier today when we were talking about how important food is here in Europe…

If there’s one thing I’ve learned after moving here from America (where most people only eat fast food), it’s this: When ordering at any restaurant or cafe countertop where someone else prepares your meal behind closed doors before handing it over for consumption by yourself or others present during this process; always remember two things: One: Always ask if they have anything else besides cheese sticks available before making any final decisions regarding which type(s) said item(s) might consist themselves out being made up primarily out consisting mainly comprised primarily composed primarily composed chiefly composed mostly composed mainly composed mostly composed mainly composed mostly composed largely composed mainly composed mostly comprised principally comprised chiefly comprised

Not all countries speak English

You will have to learn a new language. In fact, you may need to learn several languages. English is not the only foreign language you will need to know if you want to communicate effectively with people who live in Europe.

I had never studied any other language than English before moving abroad and I was fortunate enough that my school provided me with classes in French and Spanish during high school. Even though these two languages are quite similar (they share many words), they’re still different enough that it can be hard at first when trying out your new skills in conversation with locals!

In most countries throughout Europe, including France where I currently reside, knowing how say “hello” or “goodbye” won’t get you very far if all else fails – especially if it comes down between finding directions or ordering food at restaurants/cafes etc.. In those situations where English isn’t sufficient enough for basic communication purposes (i.e., asking questions about things like directions), then learning another European language becomes essential for communicating effectively with others outside of touristy areas where tourists tend only speak English anyway…

The power sockets are different in every country

The power sockets are different in every country. In some countries, you will need to buy a converter and in others, you can just use your regular charger or adapter.

I bought a universal adapter for my phone and laptop because it was cheaper than buying individual adapters for each device. It also has two USB ports so I can charge my phone while using it at the same time!

You might be the one who has to talk to the locals

You might be the one who has to talk to the locals.

You will be the one who has to learn the language, and make friends with people in your new country.

You will constantly be asking yourself, ‘Why did I move here? I could have stayed at home’

You’re going to be asking yourself this question often.

You will constantly be wondering why you moved to Europe and not New York City, or some other city closer to home. You will wonder whether or not it was a mistake and if you should have stayed at home with all of your friends and family around instead. You will miss them so much that it hurts sometimes, but there is nothing that can be done about it now–you made your choice! It’s time for us both (me being the voice inside your head) to move forward with our lives here in Europe!

Moving abroad is tough but it’s also incredibly rewarding.

Moving abroad is tough but it’s also incredibly rewarding. You will feel like you’re in a new world, and that can be scary at first, but you will quickly learn to love your new home. You’ll be surprised by how much you can learn about yourself when living abroad. You will meet new people and make new friends; they may become some of the most important people in your life!

You might find yourself doing things that seem strange or even impossible before moving abroad: learning another language, trying foods from other cultures (or just eating different kinds), exploring cities and towns around Europe… The list goes on!

But most importantly: HAVE FUN while experiencing all these amazing experiences!


Moving to Europe is a huge decision and it can be quite daunting. However, if you know what to expect beforehand then hopefully this post will have been helpful! I hope that it has given you some insight into what life might be like if you decide to move abroad.